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Germanium transistor SFT124 PNP 0.5A 24V 0,5MHZ

Germanium  transistor SFT124 PNP  0.5A 24V 0,5MHZ

Material of transistor: Ge

Polarity: pnp

hFE min -30; Imax(Ic): 500 mA; Umax (Uce): -24 V; f g (FT): 500 kHz

Application: RF, Low Power, General Purpose

Price: 3.60лв.

Germanium transistor SFT125 0.5A 24V 1MHZ

Germanium  transistor SFT125 PNP  0.5A 24V 1MHZ

intended as AF low power amplifier

Material of transistor: Ge

Polarity: pnp

ß (beta): 70; Imax(Ic): 500 mA; Umax (Uce): -24 V; f g (FT): 1 MHz


Price: 3.60лв.

Germanium transistor 1T403A /GT403A/ PNP 4W 1,25A 30V 8Khz USSR

Germanium transistor  1T403A / GT403A / PNP 4W 1,25A 30V  8Khz  

1T403A is a military analog of GT403A

Designed for use in switching circuits,
output stages of low frequency amplifiers,
 DC converters and stabilizers.
f- 8Khz    ,  h21 -20-60
Material of transistor: Ge
Polarity: PNP
The picture is illustrative!
Mase in USSR before 1989 
Price: 2.40лв.

Germanium transistor 1T403B /GT403B/ PNP 4W 1,25A 30V 8Khz USSR

Germanium transistor  1T403B / GT403B / PNP 4W 1,25A 30V  8Khz  

1T403B is a military analog of GT403B

Designed for use in switching circuits,
output stages of low frequency amplifiers,
 DC converters and stabilizers.
f- 8Khz    ,  h21 - 50-150
Material of transistor: Ge
Polarity: PNP
The picture is illustrative!
Mase in USSR before 1989 
Price: 2.40лв.

Germanium transistor 1T403G /GT403G/ PNP 4W 1,25A 45V 8Khz USSR

Germanium transistor  1T403G / GT403G / PNP 4W 1,25A 45V  8Khz  

1T403G is a military analog of GT403G

Designed for use in switching circuits,
output stages of low frequency amplifiers,
 DC converters and stabilizers.
f- 8Khz    ,  h21 -50-150
Material of transistor: Ge
Polarity: PNP
The picture is illustrative!
Mase in USSR before 1989 
Price: 2.40лв.

Germanium transistor 1T403I /GT403I / PNP 4W 1,25A 60V 8Khz USSR

Germanium transistor  1T403I / GT403I / PNP 4W 1,25A 60V  8Khz  

1T403I is a military analog of GT403I

Designed for use in switching circuits,
output stages of low frequency amplifiers,
  DC converters and stabilizers.
f- 8Khz    ,  h21 ->30
Material of transistor: Ge
Polarity: PNP
The picture is illustrative!
Mase in USSR before 1989 
Price: 2.40лв.

Germanium transistor 1T403J /GT403J / PNP 4W 1,25A 60V 8Khz USSR

Germanium transistor  1T403J /GT403J / PNP 4W 1,25A 60V  8Khz  

1T403J is a military analog of GT403J

Designed for use in switching circuits,
output stages of low frequency amplifiers,
DC converters and stabilizers.

f- 8Khz    ,  h21 -20-60

Material of transistor: Ge
Polarity: PNP
The picture is illustrative!
Mase in USSR before 1989 
Price: 2.40лв.

Germanium transistor 1T403V /GT403V/ PNP 4W 1,25A 45V 8Khz USSR

Germanium transistor  1T403V / GT403V / PNP 4W 1,25A 45V  8Khz  

1T403V is a military analog of GT403V

Designed for use in switching circuits,
output stages of low frequency amplifiers,
 DC converters and stabilizers.
f- 8Khz    ,  h21 -20-60
Material of transistor: Ge
Polarity: PNP
The picture is illustrative!
Mase in USSR before 1989 
Price: 2.40лв.

Germanium transistor GT402B PNP 0,3W 0,5A 25V 1MhZ USSR

Germanium transistor  GT402B  PNP  0,3W 0,5A 25V  1MhZ  

Designed for use as output transistors in low frequency amplifiers.

f>1Mhz    ,  h21 -60-150

Material of transistor: Ge
Polarity: PNP
The picture is illustrative!
Mase in USSR before 1989 
Price: 2.40лв.
Out of stock
Please make an inquiry if necessary  this product
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Germanium transistor GT402G PNP 0,3W 0,5A 40V 1MhZ USSR

Germanium transistor  GT402G  PNP  0,3W 0,5A 40V  1MhZ  

Designed for use as output transistors in low frequency amplifiers.

f>1Mhz    ,  h21 -60-150

Material of transistor: Ge
Polarity: PNP
The picture is illustrative!
Mase in USSR before 1989 
Price: 3.00лв.
Out of stock
Please make an inquiry if necessary  this product
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