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Tube 1U5 / DAF92 / diode-pentode Brimar

 Tube 1U5 / DAF92 / diode-pentode Brimar

1U5  is an analogue of DAF92

The tubes are new in original packaging

individual or in a box  / lot to lot /

Price: 12.00лв.
Out of stock
Please make an inquiry if necessary  this product
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Tube EABC80 /6AK8 ,6Г3П ,DH719,6LD12 / triple diode-triode detector RFT

 Tube EABC80 /6AK8 ,6Г3П ,DH719,6LD12 / triple diode-triode detector  RFT

EABC80  is an analogue of  6AK8 ,6Г3П ,DH719,6LD12

The tubes are new in original packaging

individual or in a box  / lot to lot /

Price: 18.00лв.

Tube PCL81 triode-pentode RFT

 Tube PCL81 triode-pentode RFT

PCL81 PCL-81 PCL/81

The tubes are new in original packaging

individual or in a box  / lot to lot /

Price: 12.00лв.

Tube triode-pentode PCL805 triode Polam

 Tube triode-pentode PCL805  triode Polam

The tubes are new in original packaging

individual or in a box  / lot to lot /

Price: 10.80лв.

Tube triode-beam power ECL86 Tungsram


Tube triode-beam power ECL86 Tungsram

ECL86 is an analogue of 6GW8

The tubes are new NOS  never used !

Price: 30.00лв.
Out of stock
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Tube triode-beam power EL90 Teonex


Tube triode-beam power EL90 Teonex

EL90 is an analogue of 6AQ5 N727 6L31 CV1862

The tubes are new NOS  never used !

Price: 12.00лв.
Out of stock
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Tube triode-pentode PLC84 / 15DQ8 15TP7 / tRFT

Tube  triode-pentode  PCL84  RFT

PCL84 is an analogue of 15DQ8 15TP7

The tubes are new in original packaging

individual or in a box  / lot to lot /

Price: 14.40лв.

Tube triode-pentode n PCL805 RFT

 Tube  triode-pentode PCL805 RFT

The tubes are new in original packaging

individual or in a box  / lot to lot /

Price: 12.00лв.

Tube 1S5T diode-pentode Tungsram


Tube 1S5T diode-pentode Tungsram


The tubes are new in original packaging

individual or in a box  / lot to lot /

Price: 30.00лв.
Out of stock
Please make an inquiry if necessary  this product
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Tube 6AU8A triode-pentode RCA

 Tube 6AU8A  triode-pentode RCA

The tubes are new in original packaging

individual or in a box  / lot to lot /

Price: 24.00лв.
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